Explore and unravel the world of fat adapted metabolism and using fat as your primary fuel source with one of the pioneers in this field, Peter Defty. Learn how to use an innovative product called Vespa combined with optimized fat metabolism (OFM) to become healthier, have less inflammation, perform better and recover quicker by utilizing fat as your friend. Vespa discounts will be available for our listeners as well! Join us to change the way you think about fat and how to best fuel your body!
To go under the knife or not to go under the knife? That is the question. Ever wonder what the differences were in the...
Discover the myths, and the truths of Semaglutide and some other peptides that are not talked about enough for weight loss. Learn the history...
Ever wonder what you can check with your primary doctor to be proactive and preventative? Dr. Lori Gerber shares some of the labs and...