Ever wondered why stress is bad for your body? How does Covid create chronic stress in the bodies of some people? Dr. Lori Gerber and Stacey Smith, D.C. will help to unravel the mysteries behind how different stressors can cause inflammation in the entire body-- blood sugar issues, inflammation, sleep disturbances, mental issues, poor immune function and more! So, join us for 60 minutes dedicated to helping you feel your best! Start meditating now in preparation!
Learn how to use the essential nutrient, FAT to fuel your body instead of carbohydrates and how to tap into your own body's fat...
The gut is the root of so many medical issues! “Irritable bowel syndrome” is also an epidemic in the United States. Learn about the...
Dr. Lori Gerber unravels the mystery of peptides in regenerative medicine. Learn how peptides are used for immune help, metabolism, gut, brain health and...