Learn how to use the essential nutrient, FAT to fuel your body instead of carbohydrates and how to tap into your own body's fat stores to help with weight loss through diet help, supplements and optimizing your body's stress response. Join Dr. Lori Gerber and Peter Defty developer of the Optimized Fat Metabolism Program and General Manager of Vespa - a product designed to help tap into your own fat fo fuel! Check out mydrlori.com to get started on Dr. Lori's plan to wellness or VespaPower.com to purchase Vespa!
Discover the myths, and the truths of Semaglutide and some other peptides that are not talked about enough for weight loss. Learn the history...
History is repeating itself with thyroid disease! Learn the history of thyroid treatment and how it’s affecting our current population. Also, Dr. Lori Gerber...
To go under the knife or not to go under the knife? That is the question. Ever wonder what the differences were in the...